After the Chinese New Year holidays, the market has been very active

Avr 26, 2024

After the Chinese New Year holidays, the market has been very active in capturing volumes offered from any origin (dutiable and non-dutiable).

As the availability of crude glycerine has reduced from Latin America and South East Asia, China has been forced to increase their bids to capture volume. Indeed, market players in Brazil are still not sure the B15 mandate target will be implemented. Biodiesel production has reduced in the last weeks due to difficult access to feedstock (such as soyabean oil). Meanwhile, in medium-term, crude glycerine demand in China is still very uncertain from both refiners and epychloridrine (ECH) producers so they remain very cautious in buying new volumes at higher price levels. ECH prices are very volatile and state around RMB 9000 pmt delivered allowing current slight price increase for crude glycerine.

If you are interested in the crude glycerine market, Oleoline publishes every 2 weeks a review of the main production and consumption zones, in order to map out the market for the various crude glycerine qualities available throughout the world.

Annual subscription at EUR 1925 for 5 readers.

Please reach out Celine Heming for more information.

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